Legal Information

A lawyer’s most valuable asset in any case is your evidence. Injury attorneys need to leverage outside resources to capture it for their cases. Consider the staff effort, time, and out of pocket costs in what amounts to a best-effort struggle to put an injury case together.

Because of the dependency upon error-prone human process, an untold amount of case value is lost in inaccurate and incomplete facts. You no longer have to accept that in your practice. Whether you are a small litigation firm, a large general plaintiff firm, or somewhere in between, how you choose to discover the most valuable assets to your business is now your choice.

Go Simple. Go Smart.

The Value Of Efficiency

The three most important metrics to the health of a law firm are simple. But never has there been a means to affect all three.

How Does It Work?

Nearly all health information is electronic and has been for years. Gosimer’s health information services are designed to take advantage of that fact.

We are able to see which providers have treated your across the country. We get regular updates as records are posted. We continually add those records to your firms’ secure records portal for you to access at your convenience.

A Different Way To Buy Information

A law firm seeks health information and bills, but has built a process over time based on the cost. With Gosimer, you will have a flat-rate which can help remove these crippling habits.

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