Understanding your Law Firm Ecosystem. Where to Invest in your Firm for the Greatest ROI?

Volume. Velocity. Value.

Within the firm’s ecosystem, there are certain areas where internal investment yields the biggest impact to your ROI.

Plaintiff firms in Injury, Work Comp and Disability often see gathering medical records as just another administrative process rather than the engine that drives the firm’s performance. There are two key business metrics that directly affect the health of the business, and both are directly affected by the health record retrieval process:

  • Case capacity
  • Time to revenue

Given the evolution of electronic medical records over the past 10 years, there is an ideal opportunity to utilize technology to solve for a process that has been largely manual until now.

All health care data today is being created digitally right from the start. For firm’s using a manual record retrieval process, this requires your staff to ask the medical staff to take their digital files and convert them to paper in order to provide you with the information, which your staff then will scan and turn the paper record into a digital copy to save into your case files.  

If this approach sounds familiar, know that there is a better way. If you are using a manual approach to your medical record retrieval process today, imagine a world where one legal secretary can submit one request to a technology that would process the client’s HIPAA release, and then collect and provide to you all of the existing electronic health records nationwide. Leverage your providers to make your staff more efficient.

Chart of revenue growth drawn with chalk on a chalkboard

Imagine the manpower capacity that would be available for you to grow intake. Imagine how your attorneys would be able to increase their case volume by accelerating the time it takes to reach settlement. Faster case time to revenue. More cases paid out per month, per quarter, per year. Greater top-line and bottom-line revenue.

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